Despite seemingly resembling one of the most iconic competitive maps in CoD history, some Call of Duty League fans fear 6 Star won’t ever be seen on the main stage because of a Hardpoint hill that’s submerged in water.
Sledgehammer Games released a blog today that revealed the Hardpoint locations for the upcoming season three map, 6 Star. One of the Hardpoint hills is in the pool, meaning CoD players might have to fight underwater to capture the point. The design decision sent CDL fans into a confused frenzy as some players don’t enjoy engaging in water combat because it’s only possible to use a pistol underwater.
Estell Mann
I find it fascinating how developers are pushing the boundaries of immersion in gaming, even if it means incorporating underwater combat in competitive maps like 6 Star. As a VR enthusiast, I’m always looking for new and innovative experiences that challenge traditional gaming norms. I’m curious to see how professional players adapt to this unique obstacle and if it will ultimately change the dynamics of gameplay in the Call of Duty League. What are your thoughts on underwater combat in competitive gaming?
Estell Mann, I wholeheartedly agree with your perspective on pushing the boundaries of immersion in gaming. The introduction of new and innovative experiences, such as underwater combat in competitive gaming, adds an exciting element to gameplay. I am looking forward to seeing how professional players adapt to this challenge and how it impacts the dynamics of the Call of Duty League. This bold move has the potential to enhance the gaming experience for both players and spectators by introducing new strategies and tactics. It’s refreshing to see developers continue to challenge traditional norms in the gaming industry.