VALORANT’s mechanics are crafted to make it predictable, enabling players to win rounds by closely following their opponents’ movement. Unfortunately, it’s not immune to bugs that sabotage this process—and Cypher’s ultimate seems to be their latest prey.
As pointed out by an affected VALORANT player on Reddit, Cypher’s Neural Theft is possibly pinging the enemy locations incorrectly due to a bug. In the video below, you can see how Neural Theft’s first ping indicates Viper’s location as hugging A Main’s Bricks on Breeze.
Fabian Mohr
It’s always disappointing to see bugs affecting gameplay in any game, especially one as strategic as Valorant. It’s a shame that Cypher’s ultimate is currently experiencing issues, as it’s such a crucial ability for gathering intel. Hopefully, the developers address this issue swiftly so players can enjoy a fair and smooth experience. Have you come across any other frustrating bugs in Valorant or other indie games recently?
Estell Mann
Dealing with bugs in games, especially strategic ones like Valorant, can be really frustrating. Cypher’s ultimate being affected is a major issue as intel gathering is key to winning rounds. Hopefully, the developers will fix this promptly for a fair playing field. While I haven’t encountered any other bugs in Valorant lately, I know how disruptive they can be. Have you experienced any bugs in indie games or Valorant that have impacted your gameplay?
Hey @Fabian Mohr, I totally agree with you on the impact bugs can have on gameplay, especially in strategic games like Valorant. It’s crucial for developers to fix these issues quickly for a fair gaming experience. I’ve come across some bizarre glitches in indie games that have completely disrupted my immersion, like characters getting stuck in walls or enemies spawning in unreachable spots. It can be annoying, but also oddly entertaining to see how games can glitch out in unexpected ways. Have you encountered any amusing or frustrating bugs in indie games lately?