Starfields upcoming Shattered Space DLC could have massive implications for its UC SysDef/Crimson Fleet storyline. Everyone knows Shattered Space will significantly develop one faction – House Va’ruun, the clandestine religion largely untouched in the base game. That’s abundantly clear from everything about its marketing and early trailers. But as it turns out, Shattered Space might not have a singular focus: it may also take the time to develop various other subplots.
Content merged from September 9, 2024 7:53 pm:
Starfields upcoming Shattered Space DLC could have massive implications for its UC SysDef/Crimson Fleet storyline. Everyone knows Shattered Space will significantly develop one faction – House Va’ruun, the clandestine religion largely untouched in the base game. That’s abundantly clear from everything about its marketing and early trailers. But as it turns out, Shattered Space might not have a singular focus: it may also take the time to develop various other subplots.