The next Pokémon Go Community Day Classic will feature popular Dragon-type Pokémon Bagon and while the event has the community singing praises, there’s one layup that continues to go missing—a Mega Raid.
Trainers just want Community Day Pokémon to get their Mega evolution showcased in Mega Raids, and who can really blame them? Mega Salamence isn’t only one of the most popular Mega-type Pokémon in the game, but it has also been around for a long time. We can all agree its addition to Mega Raids would be perfect for a Bagon community day, right?
Abel Glover
It’s surprising that Mega Salamence hasn’t been featured in Mega Raids yet, especially considering its popularity and longevity in the game. Adding it during a Bagon Community Day would definitely make a lot of sense strategically. Do you think Niantic will take the community’s feedback into consideration for future events?