I love a good city-building game, but I often get a bit overwhelmed with the sheer amount going on. People to please, resources to gather, politics to consider, sometimes even enemies to fight – the likes of Cities Skylines 2 and Frostpunk slowly take their toll. That’s why Dawnfolk feels like such a welcome alternative. It’s got a fantastic new demo, and it reminds me of the base building parts of superlative roguelike Loop Hero: dark but cozy.
Content merged from July 5, 2024 3:40 pm:
I love a good city-building game, but I often get a bit overwhelmed with the sheer amount going on. People to please, resources to gather, politics to consider, sometimes even enemies to fight – the likes of Cities Skylines 2 and Frostpunk slowly take their toll. That’s why Dawnfolk feels like such a welcome alternative. It’s got a fantastic new demo, and it reminds me of the base building parts of superlative roguelike Loop Hero: dark but cozy.