Usually, a game’s next-gen update is cause for celebration, but with Bethesda’s timely update drop, a few people are pretty peeved. Fallout 4 is known for its many, many mods, and when the update came out, most of them went kaput. So, if you want to sacrifice graphical fidelity for the use of your mods, here is how to reverse the next-gen Fallout 4 update.Rolling back the next gen updateThis will seem a lot more complex than it actually is. Simply follow these step-by-step instructions, and you will have the original Fallout 4 up and running, ready for your lovely mods. Open Steam console and download the necessary filesOpen your chosen browser and type steam://open/console into the URL bar. This will open up the console commands menu in Steam. Here you will need to type a number of lines of text to redownload the original files. One by one, type these lines into the console command bar.download_depot 377160 377161 7497069378349273908download_depot …
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