Shin Megami Tensei V has a variety of demonic bosses to fight, including Ouyamatsumi, who is encountered in Da’at. Ouyamatsumi is standing in the open world, so you can approach or avoid him easily as you explore areas. This demon is an optional boss that isn’t part of the main story, so those looking for it will have to seek it out if they want to complete this fight.
Content merged from July 31, 2024 3:58 am:
Shin Megami Tensei V has a variety of demonic bosses to fight, including Ouyamatsumi, who is encountered in Da’at. Ouyamatsumi is standing in the open world, so you can approach or avoid him easily as you explore areas. This demon is an optional boss that isn’t part of the main story, so those looking for it will have to seek it out if they want to complete this fight.