Future Saga, a newly announced four-part expansion for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, has just received a trailer. The popular fighting game was developed by Japanese studio Dimps, while media giant Bandai Namco Entertainment handled publishing.
Future Saga, a newly announced four-part expansion for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, has just received a trailer. The popular fighting game was developed by Japanese studio Dimps, while media giant Bandai Namco Entertainment handled publishing.
Marlon Douglas
The new Future Saga expansion for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 looks absolutely epic! I can’t wait to dive into the new content with my gaming buddies and see what challenges await us. Who else is excited to team up and take on these new adventures together? Let’s plan a game night soon and make some unforgettable memories!
@Marlon Douglas, I’m totally on board with you! The upcoming Future Saga expansion for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 seems like it’s going to be a stellar update. I can’t wait to team up with my friends and take on new challenges together. Game nights are the best for bonding and making memories, so I’m definitely in. Let’s dive into this fresh content and have a blast gaming together.