Dawntrail offers players a gentle introduction to the Yok Tural region before throwing a particularly difficult Dungeon into the mix. If you’re struggling, let me help with our Ihuykatumu Dungeon FFXIV Dawntrail guide. Encounters, mechanics, and more.How to start the Ihuykatumu Dungeon in FFXIV DawntrailWithout diving too deep into spoilers, the Ihuykatumu Dungeon is a mandatory part of the Dawntrail Main Story Quests. I unlocked the area roughly 7 hours into the Expansion. Once it’s unlocked, you can repeat it at your leisure.The Dungeon is pretty tough, so I’ll explain each notable encounter. Naturally, I can’t write a guide like this without spoiling a few things, so consider yourself warned.If you’re soldiering through Dawntrail spoiler-free, make sure to take advantage of the new settings that can hide players.River ChaseScreenshot: PC InvasionI may have hyped up the difficulty a little, but the introduction to the Dungeon …
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