Waveplates are the main form of energy in Wuthering Waves, and you need to spend them to claim upgrade materials for your Resonators and equipment. You only have so many to spend each day, however, and you’ll need to use a rare resource called Crystal Solvent to get more than the standard daily allotment.As long as you’re smart about the first few hours of your Wuthering Waves playthrough, you can save up a decent-sized stash of Crystal Solvent for the hardcore endgame grind that rears its head at higher Union Levels. Even if you’re completely out, though, there are still ways to get more so you can continue grinding for enhancement materials in Wuthering Waves.How to Get More Crystal Solvent in Wuthering WavesThere are three main ways to get Crystal Solvent in Wuthering Waves, and each method is quite time-consuming. If you want to restore your Waveplates to claim more upgrade materials in Wuthering Waves, try these methods.Union Level RewardsScre…
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