Typical of the Metroidvania genre is the endless and incredibly well-hidden collectables. In Animal Well, there are tools, eggs, and figurines to find, with the latter only being available through certain types of playthroughs.All Animal Well FigurinesThese collectables do not come easy, and if you want to grab them all, you’re going to have to master the game. Some of the figurines in Animal Well can only be found through speedruns, while others will require you to complete the game with certain limitations. Here is how to get them all.Speedrun figurinesAll of these can be found by completing the game under a certain time. You must reach the clock at the end of the game for these first three to count. For the other three, you need to reach the secret ending within the time limit.1st Figurine – Complete Animal Well within 5 hours.2nd Figurine – Reach the end in 90 minutes.3rd Figurine – Complete Animal Well in 30 minutes or less….
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