League of Legends faces an eternal problem in making its ranked queue feel balanced and fair, which involves fostering healthy matchmaking for new players and punishing smurfs.
A player on Reddit lamented about the current state of ranked on April 10. “I’m convinced that most of the players in plat 2 + (atleast in my server) are just alts. I’m not calling them smurfs because they’re hardstuck exactly where their main is,” they said. They wondered why players would want to place lower on the ranked ladder when using an alt account.
Content merged from April 11, 2024 8:45 am:
League of Legends faces an eternal problem in making its ranked queue feel balanced and fair, which involves fostering healthy matchmaking for new players and punishing smurfs.
A player on Reddit lamented about the current state of ranked on April 10. “I’m convinced that most of the players in plat 2 + (atleast in my server) are just alts. I’m not calling them smurfs because they’re hardstuck exactly where their main is,” they said. They wondered why players would want to place lower on the ranked ladder when using an alt account.