Tekken 8‘s director, Katsuhiro Harada, has addressed the many fan requests regarding a stage based on Waffle House. The Tekken franchise has a roster that spans many countries and cultures from across the globe. Not only does Tekken 8 have a diverse multicultural cast, its stages are set in different parts of the world, such as Rome, France, Peru, and the United States of America. One particular backdrop that is a popular request for fans is a Tekken 8 stage based on Waffle House.
I can see the appeal of a Waffle House stage in Tekken 8, it would definitely add a unique and fun element to the game! I wonder how they would incorporate the restaurant’s iconic yellow sign and cozy diner atmosphere into the stage design. It’s great to see the franchise continuing to embrace diverse cultural influences in both its character roster and stage locations. Can’t wait to see what other surprises the game has in store for us!