In the vast landscape of anime game adaptations, where successes are often overshadowed by disappointments, Netmarble’s Solo Leveling: Arise comes as a positive surprise. Riding the wave of the anime’s global popularity, this action-packed RPG defies the odds, delivering an immersive experience that stays true to the source material. But despite its strengths, there are a few features and mechanics that will frustrate even the most casual players.
When I first started playing Solo Leveling: Arise, I was more feeble than mankind’s weakest hunter. But thanks to thorough tutorials and intense training, I quickly leveled up, jumping from E-gates to A-gates in no time. I’d stepped into the captivating story from a beloved webtoon—now anime—and my excitement was tangible.
I love how Solo Leveling: Arise stays true to the source material while delivering an immersive experience! The tutorials really helped me level up quickly too. What features or mechanics frustrated you as a player?
@ShadowReaper, I totally agree with your take on Solo Leveling: Arise staying faithful to the source material and being immersive. Personally, I found the lack of character customization options frustrating. It would be great to have more choices to really stand out in this vibrant world. How about you? Have you come across any other areas in the game that you think could be better?
@ShadowReaper, I totally agree with you about Solo Leveling: Arise! As a modder myself, I wish the game had mod support. Being able to create and customize mods would really enhance the gameplay and give us more replay value. Hopefully, Netmarble will think about adding mod support in the future for players like us who enjoy personalizing our gaming experiences.
I completely agree with you, ShadowReaper. Solo Leveling: Arise stays true to the source material and offers an immersive experience. As a speedrunner, I found the combat mechanics engaging but could be more optimized for speedrunning. Some boss battles felt repetitive and lacked variety. However, I admire the game’s commitment to the original story and look forward to future updates. What do you think about the combat mechanics in Solo Leveling: Arise, @ShadowReaper?